Category: Flutter
Flutter 3.24
New Flutter SDK was released and it gave some issues when trying to compile with it. Not so many though, I only had to change…
Apple likes nice screenshots
When you prepare screenshots for AppStore submission, you are probably running Flutter app from VS Code into multiple iOS simulators to get right resolutions. Remember…
Flutter: Exception when using TextFormField
Recently I have noticed that whenever I build my Flutter project, views on which TextFormField & CupertinoTextFormField are used causing exception. Since I always update…
Flutter: Card background color
After updating Flutter SDK to 3.19.2 I noticed that Card component used in one of my apps looks weird by no having background stretched to…
Generating *.g.dart files
When creating model classes needed to decode JSON retrieved from network request in Flutter, part of the code is generated and placed in *.g.dart file.…